UBUNTU – A Bond Of Sharing That Connects Everything

Samson Buttercup

Ever since I was a tiny cub, full of mischief and wonder, I used to hear my mother use the word “Ubuntu”. She explained it as a respect between all living things – a bond that we all shared and had to take care of.

Now that I’m a bit older and a little more well-read (thanks to Alpha-Betty!), I’ve seen the word described as “A bond of sharing that connects all humanity”. But what I’ve experienced in all non-human lands, is that Ubuntu isn’t just something that flows through humanity or bhoomanity, but something that also weaves through nature.

Just look at the bond between the river and the sea. They share a mutual respect where the one flows into the other, because their natural balance depends on each other. The river feeds into the sea and in turn the sea feeds the river with rain. This bond also flows through the land of animals, from Bonobos sharing their food with strangers, to heartfelt compassion in elephant herds.

For a little Ubuntu inspiration of your own, watch Boyd Varty’s share on TED about his African experiences with the word’s meaning, and think of tiny spaces in your day where you can show a bit of extra kindness.


Lots of Ubuntu love,

Samson xxx